153rd Airlift Wing Equal Opportunity

153rd Airlift Wing Equal Opportunity strives to accomplish its mission by promoting an environment free from personal, social, or institutional barriers that could prevent its members from rising to their highest potential. Wyoming Air National Guard and wing policies are in place to ensure the organizations conduct their affairs free from unlawful discrimination and sexual harassment. The policies also provide for equal opportunity and treatment for all members irrespective of their race, color, religion, national origin, sex, or in the case of civilian employees, age, and handicapping conditions except as prescribed by statute or policy.

EO Complaint

An allegation of unlawful discrimination based on race, color, national origin, religion, sex, age, disability, or reprisal filed by a civilian employee with an EEO office; or an allegation of unlawful discrimination based on race, color, national origin, religion, or sex filed by a military member with an EO office.

How to file a complaint

An aggrieved person who believes that s/he has been discriminated against must contact an EO advisor within 45 calendar days for civilian (EEO) or 180 calendar days for military (EO) of the alleged offense or personnel action. The [military] WY ANG EO/EEO advisor are key to the program's success as facilitators and guardians of the process.

mission statement

Deliver world-class equal opportunity and human relations services through balanced equal opportunity compliance, human relations education, organizational climate assessments, alternative dispute resolution, and affirmative employment to encourage a diverse culture that enables all members the opportunity to attain the highest level of achievement.


Establish a highly visible and proactive tool available to both commanders and Airmen for resolving interpersonal issues and complaints at the lowest level.

eo office services

  • EO counseling and referrals
  • Complaint processing
  • Alternative dispute resolution
  • "Out and about" unit visits
  • Human Relations Education (HRE)
  • Prevention of Sexual Harassment Education (POSH)
  • Administration of Surveys (DEOCS)

EO office

Capt. Charrolet Henry,
EO Director

Master Sgt. La Rosa Chatman, EO Advisor 

Comm: (307) 772-5256
DSN: 388-5256