187th Airlift Squadron named distinguished flying unit Published May 24, 2011 Wyo. Military Department CHEYENNE, Wyo. -- The Wyoming Air National Guard's 187th Airlift Squadron has won a prestigious national award for meeting the highest standards of mission accomplishment in 2010. The Curtis N. "Rusty" Metcalf Trophy, bestowed annually by the National Guard Bureau, recognizes the airlift or air refueling unit that demonstrates the highest standards of mission accomplishment. For its accomplishment, the unit will be presented the prestigious Metcalf Trophy, in August, at the National Guard Association of the United States (NGAUS) convention in Milwaukee, Wis. The unit will also receive the NGAUS Distinguished Flying Unit Plaque. "It's been a long year of inspections, exercises and deployments to the farthest reaches of the globe," Col. Dennis Grunstad, 153rd Airlift Wing commander said. "In every instance, and with every tasking, the unit has performed with professionalism, dedication, perseverance and a great attitude that has reflected well on the Wyoming Air National Guard," he said. "Receiving the Rusty Metcalf Trophy formalizes the fact that we are the top airlift wing in the nation, and that makes our Airmen a champion in my book. They earned this award, and they deserve it." To be considered for this award, units are evaluated in the areas of exercises and deployments, human resources, accident rate history, accident prevention and significant accomplishments during the award period. The award is named for a former deputy chief for plans and operations at the National Guard Bureau, in Washington, D.C.